What Is Dry Powder Carpet Cleaning?

In this process of carpet cleaning, a semi moist power is spread onto the carpeting. The powder which is soaked in a detergent and/or solvent solution is usually either a corn cob based organic powder or a fully synthetic powder. This powder is agitated and worked into the carpet with either an orbital floor machine with a round plastic bristle brush or a machine with counter rotating plastic brushes. The theory behind this method is that the powder acts like thousands of little sponges scrubbing and absorbing dirt from the carpet as it is agitated. After the powder dries, in only a few minutes, the carpet is vacuumed to remove the sponges and the floor is ready to be used.
The biggest positive characteristic of this method of cleaning is that it dries extremely quickly. Its drying time can be measured in minutes instead of hours. This means that you do not have to struggle to keep your kids and pets off of the carpet until it dries. You can put your home back to normal use almost immediately. Another benefit is that since the carpet is not being soaked with water, this method does not force spots down only for them to return hours or days later. What you see is what you get.
Dry powder cleaning does have some negative characteristics as well. For starters, the powder is usually not completely removed. The powder does not harm your carpet but the dry powder granules can stick to bare feet and can be a little bit of a nuisance. It is also not as aggressive as some other carpet cleaning methods. It is therefore best used on light to medium soil conditions.
That is pretty much all there is to this method. Hopefully this article has given you enough information to decide whether or not this it is for you.
The author of this article, James C operates a carpet cleaning resource website. Find cleaners offering Houston carpet cleaning, Colorado Springs carpet cleaning and cleaning in your town.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_C
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