Deck Building with Alternative Materials

On a warm summer evening, with the smell of barbeque wafting over from the grill, it's difficult not to appreciate the simple beauty of a nice outdoor deck. Once the deck building is completed, the main challenge will be maintaining the deck. There are a variety of building materials that can help you maintain your deck over the years.
Using alternative materials for your deck building project can make maintenance easier at the same time that you provide for environmental responsibility concerns. Lumber come from trees, and incase you're totally lost in the loop of corporate-biased television programming, you're already aware that the depletion of our forests continues to increase at an alarming rate.
Luckily, there are new technologies and alternative building materials that allow one to take on a deck building project with renewed gusto, for they offer environmentally sound materials as well as deck building materials that will last for years and years, with much less maintenance than the traditional wood deck.
Trex is one of the first deck building companies to incorporate recycled materials into their deck pieces. A combination of reclaimed plastic from consumer products and shopping bags are combined with wood fiber that may otherwise go to waste. These materials are then formed into planks and installed in very much the same way that traditional deck wood planks would be installed.
The Trex deck building materials are extremely resistant to ultraviolet (UV) radiation as well as all forms of weather and exposure related issues of damage. The boards will not chip, splinter, warp or rot. The plastic portion of the mixture protects the wood from rotting. As such, there is absolutely no need for applying a sealant or deck paint.
So instead of reapplying deck paint for weather sealing varnish, you can do nothing! These post-consumer recycled deck building boards make horrible termite food as well! With all of these benefits, to the environment, the pocketbook and future weekends NOT spent maintaining your wood deck, it's a wonder that anyone is still building the traditional wood type of deck at all.
There are other companies and manufacturers of similar deck building supplies and materials, such as the TimberTech company. This companies deck material is similar to that of Trex, but wood fiber is mixed with formulated polymers to effect the same type of durable, pest and maintenance resistant deck materials.
Then there's Dream Deck, with a completely vinyl deck building product. Like the two companies mentioned above, these products are completely warp, splinter and weather resistant. Plus, Dream Deck offers a number of deck accessories to compliment your deck area.
Each of these companies, as well as several others not mentioned, offer a variety of colors and finishes from which to choose. Take your time and shop around, as each of these companies offer different deals and each type of deck building material has its own installation guidelines and potential complications.
Nicky is a do-it-yourself landscape enthusiast who has written numerous articles for various landscaping books on helping individuals plan their home design projects. He has created which consolidates all of his knowledge into colorful illustrations with free installation tips for various deck ideas.
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